We have been meaning to get up to Chicago for years (and especially since Emily came home) and the opportunity finally presented itself at a good time.
About 10 - 11 years ago, while John was still running Chicago, he met someone that has become very special to us. Her name is Elvira (a.k.a. Emily) and she owned/ran a restaurant by the motel that John stayed in whenever he was there. She has kept in touch with us over the years - and like I said, has become very special to us. In fact - our Emily got her name from Elvira. So, we knew that these two must meet.
Elvira just turned 90 this past October - so now was as good a time as any. :)
So off we go......................................................

You can just read her thoughts by the look on her face: "Don't tell me she's going to be having that camera going off in my face all weekend!!!" LOL

I love this picture!!! LOL

We're trying to get her away from the Bink (which she's not having any part of) so in our first attempt, we cut the tip off of this one - and she thought it was pretty funny to stick it on her finger and wave it around.

Riding with her new friend Snoopy

Enjoying our time with Emily at Mama Luigi's Italian Restaurant

The 2 Emily's sharing a laugh

Wake up sleepy head!!! :)

Somebody doesn't look quite ready to take in the sights

First glimpse of the Sears Tower

I thought this looked like something out of the movies :)

This was at one time (in fact for 40 years) the restaurant that Emily owned (and this is where John met her when he went in for breakfast one day - and we've been friends with her ever since)

This is the hotel that John used to stay in when he ran Chicago

Getting some Chicago pizza (we must not have gone to the right place - cause I wasn't impressed)

Baby Girl catching some z's (all that riding around can get tiring)

I think this is a cool picture of the Sears Tower

Navy Pier - we're going back in the Spring - so hopefully we'll get to go here when it is in full swing

And again, this looks like something out of the movies (and I'm sure a lot of stuff has been filmed here). If you know me - you know I'm a movie freak. :)

My favorite sound in the world!!!!

We saw signs for the new Cabela's store that opened in Hammond, Indiana - so we cruised over so we could check it out. We still think our store in KS is way better.
People have a tendancy to honk A LOT in Chicago - and John was making me a nervous wreck...cause he was just having too much fun joining in the honking!!!!

Baby Girl has a fascination with remote controls............

And very large shoes!! LOL

Heading back home - and it's time for a Scooby Snack

The "Mad" Musician - LOL

This just cracks me up...watch her fingers

Beautiful fall colors in Hannibal, MO

Are we home YET?!?!?!?

Emmy "Simply" loves apple juice :)

Sleeping Beauty
We had a lot of fun on this trip - and Emily is such a wonderful little traveler. Like I said previously, we have plans to go back for a visit in the Spring (one of several road trips we have planned). Maybe even take in a Cubs game. :)