A lot of our family and friends know about our decision to adopt, but for those who don’t, I’ll give a brief history of how we began this wonderful journey we are on.
John and I were married in August of ‘97. In October of ‘98, we decided we would start a family. Well, GOD apparently had other plans because it didn’t happen like we thought it would. I imagine there’s a lot of people that don’t consider that when they decide it’s time to start a family, there’s a possibility it won’t happen -
I know we didn’t. Anyway, we went along for a couple years thinking that it would eventually happen…but nope, nothing. There was some testing done on both of us, but nothing came back conclusive stating that children were out of the question. A couple more years went by, and having mutually decided that we were not going to go the invitro route, I started surfing the web, and requested adoption information from a ton of different agencies.
When I first approached John about adopting, he wasn’t exactly thrilled with the idea. He didn’t discount it all together, he just wasn’t as jazzed about it as me. Ever since I was a little girl, I always wanted to adopt, but John was hoping to have biological children first.
The requested adoption information started to come in, and there was one agency that really clicked with me, but with so many agency choices (and it being a very important decision) we needed to be in agreement with the choice. I didn’t press the issue with John (ok - not too much anyway) but I gave him a list of agencies and their phone #’s. I wanted him to talk to people and see what kind of response he got. Well, he called a lot them, and we set up an appointment with an agency to see how they did things. I was ecstatic. We were really going to talk to an agency!!!
Ok - long story short regarding the meeting…..it just didn’t click for us. That’s not saying that there was anything wrong with that agency, it’s just that we were hoping to work with a more CHRIST centered one, and we just didn’t feel like that was the right place for us.
On the ride home, I was a bit on the sad side. But as we were discussing how we felt about the whole thing, I asked him if he had called this one particular agency. He said he hadn’t, but that he would call them the next day. Imagine my surprise when I received an excited call from him the following afternoon saying, “That’s the agency we’re using!” He had talked to them, and felt in his spirit (just as I had) that this was the agency we were to use. We were both in agreement, and we started the process that will at long last bring us together with our daughter (or Princess, as I call her - LOL).
I would also like to say here that for anybody that doubts whether or not prayer really works….IT DOES!! I spent a lot of time asking (pleading) for GOD to change John’s heart about adoption, and HE did it!! HE opened John’s eyes to how we are all adopted into GOD’s family - and once this revelation happened, we have been happily plugging along ever since.