Well, I sure marked the 9-month anniversary of our log in date with a bang.
There I was laying in bed relaxing before I had to get up to start the day (5:30ish am), and my little dog Bailey was laying next to me. John woke up and asked him if he needed to go potty and Bailey whipped around so fast -
and proceeded to put his paw right in my open eye!!! I literally saw stars for a minute, and then everything went black. I have never felt such pain.
The above pictures were taken 4-hours after the "accident" and I could barely open my eye.

The above pictures here were taken at 1:30 pm, and although I could open the eye wider, it still hurt so bad. It was time to go to the doctor.
My mom came up and got me (I couldn't hold the eye open long enough, and the other eye had trouble focusing due to the pain) and took me to the eye doctor.
I thought Bailey had scratched my eye or even my eye lid, but WOW....he actually tore a piece of my cornea off. Right off the center of my eyeball!!! Wasn't expecting that diagnosis.
The doctor gave me a prescription and sent me on my way. Mom and I went to Wally World to fill my script, and I came out looking like someone who belongs in Pirates of the Caribbean. :)
AARRRRRRRIt took a couple days, but the cornea grew back and the eye is back to normal. All is well on the eyeball front.