Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Ni Hao from China

It's official - we are the extremely proud and blessed parents of a bouncing BABY GIRL!!!! She is the most beautiful baby - and we are madly in love with her.

I know many of you have been checking and checking to see how we are doing, and we so appreciate the kind comments, wishes, and prayers you have sent our way. We have been going pretty much nonstop since we left Kansas City, and I apologize for taking so long to get this post on here. I have to admit though - our priorities have changed quite a bit over the past 48 hours. :) John and the Princess are asleep - so I'm going to attempt to get this done.

I will warn you now that this is going to be a rather long post, but if I don't get it on here now, I'm afraid I'll forget some things - so grab a cup of joe and join us for a slight rundown of our journey so far. I'm extremely tired, so please bare with any typos. :)

December 16th - We left the house around 12:00pm to catch our flight out of KC. Uncle Brent and Aunt Angee came to take us to the airport where we were met by John's mom and my parents. We waited and waited for the check-in of our international flight, and when it was our turn to weigh our luggage - one was overweight. Technically it wasn't, but the ticket agent couldn't get in touch with anyone from China Southern - so we had to make a quick shift in the bag (taking a pack of diapers out of one and putting them in the other checked bag) and then we were off to wait for our flight.

Delay #1: Our flight was delayed 25 minutes. We didn't worry too much at this point because we still had quite a bit of time in Chicago to make our connecting flight to LA. When it came time to go through security to the boarding area - we had another problem with the luggage. This time I had forgot that I packed a "normal" size Aveno lotion and bath gel for Emily - and by "normal" I mean they were larger then the 3oz size the airlines allow on the plane in carry on bags. So - they confiscated it. We were able to get these items to my Mom to bring home with her, so we really weren't out anything. We then board the plane - and here comes Delay #2.

Parents to be awaiting departure. This picture could also be captioned, "Amazing Race" contestants. :)

Grandma and Grandpa hanging out with us before the big journey.

Uncle Brent bonding with John (LOL) ;)

Aunt Angee and Grandma waiting with us before this amazing journey.

Delay #2: We boarded the plane, and waited and waited. There were apparently high winds in Chicago and planes were delayed coming and going. We didn't get too worried because we knew we would make our connection because all flights were delayed, but we were bummed because these delays were cutting in to our Chapin time!!!!!

"Chapin Time" is the time we planned on spending in LA with my brother, sister-in-law, and baby nephew Chapin. They had made plans to come up from San Diego to spend some time with us at the airport seeing that we were scheduled to have a 5 hour layover. Unfortunately that time decressed considerably, and we were only able to visit with them for maybe an hour. We were so sad that we didn't get to enjoy their company more - and guys we thank you so much for keeping our little buddy up so late so we could see him, and for making time and that journey for us.

I think we were more excited to see Chapin then he was to see us!!! ROFL (Of course it was around 11:00pm - so we'll just say that he was sleepy). :)

Our little buddy helped us out tremendously. We were all standing in the security line visting while waiting for our turn to get screened, and a comment was made to one of the security officers about letting us skip ahead in line. We were being ornery - and seeing that there was close to 100 people in front of us, we laughed it off, but the security officer said, "Is the baby with you?" I told him no, and he looked at me and said, "Oh well, pretend he is - come on, come with me." And Praise GOD he took us to a VIP lane where no one was waiting, and with rushed hugs and goodbyes to Doug, Amy, and Chapin we were through security and headed to the gate.

We boarded the flight from LA to Guangzhou - and all I can really say is that we are sooooooo glad we booked Premium Economy (even though it rocked our finances) because we would not have made it 15 hours in the peanut sized seats and absolutely no leg room seats they have in Economy. The flight was pretty uneventful. The flight crew was awesome, the food was interesting, we actually were able to get some much needed sleep, and we lost a whole Sunday - but overall it went well. I can't say that I'm excited about doing it all over again, but we'll get through it.

We landed in Guangzhou at around 7:30 am China time, and we tried to catch an earlier flight to Nanchang, but the language barrier was HUGE and let's just say we didn't leave until our scheduled 2:05pm flight. Probably much to John's surprise, I'll confess here that I had a mini meltdown at the Guangzhou airport. I don't know if it was the hours we'd been traveling, the failure of being able to communicate, the longing for a Big Mac (lol) or what - but I became a tad stressed out and had a tiny hissy fight. I didn't make a fool out of myself or anything - but I wasn't happy. We ate at this restaurant at the airport, and I'll just say that McDonald's, Burger King, KFC, somebody needs to open their doors at this place. We then tried to obtain a calling card, because the one I bought in the states wasn't working on their phones - and nobody could help us or understand us to get one. STRESS!!!!

After the long long wait - it was time to head the the secured area for our flight, and the Military Police stopped us and told us our carryon bags were too heavy and that we'd have to check them. So we headed back to the ticket counter and had to pay for two bags to get checked because we already had two checked earlier. STRESS!!!!

Back to the secured area....we get in line, the lady asks, "Passports, boarding pass, tickets." "I say, "What tickets - all we have is boarding passes, that's all the lady gave us." Her, "No ticket? You need ticket, go back to counter." STRESS!!!! We plod back over to the ticket counter, and we did have tickets afterall, they were attached BEHIND our return tickets!!!!!! ??????? Back to the secure area. We finally made it through this time and went to wait for our flight. While there we met up with another couple and their little girl who were also on our flight from LA to Guangzhou, and they were going to be on the same flight with us again. We sat and talked with them until the flight, and had a fun time. I was nice to be able to speak to someone who understood what you were saying. LOL

It finally became time for our flight, and we boarded the Peanut Plane (aka Tin Can) and made the 1 1/2 journey to Nanchang.

After going through much traffic (I'll have to address the traffic on a later post) we made it to the CAB. We rushed up 26 floors I think it was, and walked down a couple hallways, walked through a doorway.......and there she was. We were the only couple and child there - but I would have known her anywhere. Those eyes. They brought her right over to me and she didn't cry at all. This kind of freaked us out that she didn't become upset - but John and I have been praying for so long that there would be no attachment issues that we truly believe GOD answered our prayers. She has bonded so wonderfully with both of us. She won't let a stranger take her - and she hates when either of us put her down. :) Some people may say that's spoiling a child - but that's the way they're suppose to smell. :) Actually, we are in the throws of attaching and her wish is our command.

We love this baby so much - and it already feels like she's always been with us. We are just loving and enjoying her so much.

Proud Daddy!!! (Isn't her outfit too cute. Many of the children that meet their forever families at this time of year go to their families in these outfits. We will keep it for her always.)

After signing necessary paperwork, we headed to the hotel. We are staying at the Lakeview, and it is very nice.

In the van headed to the hotel. Poor babies cheeks were so chapped, but Mommy and Daddy took care of that with some TLC and some good lotion.

Daddy feeding Emily for the first time.
Isn't she just too cute!?!?!?!?? And look at those piggies!!!!
Miss Thang and her FAVORITE treat....Cheerios!!!

Sweet baby girl

Tummy time with Mommy.
Once we got to the hotel, we hung out and concentrated on bonding with Emily, and tried to relax a bit. We were both exhausted - but so happy to finally have our girl. Once we got baby girl to sleep for the night, John ordered us some room service. He ordered us hamburgers - but I don't know if that's what I'd call them. The fries were good though. End of December 18th.

Tummy time with Daddy.
December 19th - Today we had to go back to the CAB and notary to make our adoption official and final, and besides that running and a trip to Walmart and KFC, we staying in the hotel. I have to make mention of the funniest KFC moment of my life here (before I forget about it). While we were in KFC placing and order to go, Emily and I were waiting at one of the little tables and I looked across the table at this lady and here little boy eating dinner. I smiled at them, she smiled back and then I notice that the little boy is wearing split pants, and his little member is just casually resting on the chair he's sitting one. It took everything in me to keep from laughing. He was only about 3 maybe, and just the cutest little guy, and it struck me so funny. When she stood him up to leave it was even funnier - let me tell you. I did get to talk to him and his mom, and he was a doll baby. The split pants thing I just don't understand - but that's what they put on the little ones here. I'm really surprised Emily came to us in a diaper and full pants.

Before heading out for our appointments. Love the tongue.

Our little fashion diva. LOL

In for the night - chillin' with Daddy
We had a bit of an episode this night. Emily had had little crying spells here and there - mainly when she was tired or put down, about this night she wailed for about 1 1/2 and we couldn't get her to calm down. We didn't know if she had realized that her life had now really changed, if she was constipated, or what - and thank GOD for the neighbors in the next room. They are hear adopting their second child, and the first night here their baby wailed pretty much all night. John and I prayed for her and them several times, and when Emily was having her episode, Shelly (the neighbor) came over to see if there was anything she could do. With her help, we kinda came to the conclusion that Emily's congestion, running yucky nose, and fever (all which we discovered once returning to the hotel the 1st night and got to work on right away) were/are probably related to teething. Baby girl has 4 top teeth and is working on getting her 3rd bottom one. She gave us some teeting pills that seemed to help.....but the most awesome thing - and what really did the number we that they are Christians, and we all layed hands on Emily and prayed for her. It was so amazingly awesome!!! They are a wonderful couple with 2 little girls who are just adorable. Their oldest daughter they came over and got this time 2 years ago, and they are now hear getting Lilly -who is just adorable. This couple and their friend who is traveling with them have been such a blessing to us.
Emily quieted down, and was able to relax and enjoy the rest of the night. She went down to bed about 8:00pm, I went down about 9:00pm and I'm not sure what time John went to bed. He was playing on his computer when I went unconscience. :) End of December 19.

Sleeping Beauty (Notice - with some TLC and a little lotion, those cheeks are getting better all the time - and I kiss them constantly). :)
December 20th - Today is Wednesday, and we were very blessed to make a trip to the orphanage where Emily spent some of her life up to know. It was not an easy journey (#1 - it took quite a bit of money to get this day trip accomplished, #2 - it was a long trip, 3 hours each way, #3 - it was heartbreaking to see the babies living where they do).
I'm not exactly sure why we were allowed to visit the orphanage (except by the grace of GOD), because from what I am told, many many families have been denied access to the orphanages here in Jiangxi Province, but our guide told us he was in good relations with the adoption officials - so maybe that's what it was.
Isn't shee too funny? The tongue just kills me. I call it her Air Jordan.

Street sign to Shangrao City (where the Shangrao Children's Welfare Center is)

Beautiful girl

Santa making a quick stop in China before the big day coming up. LOL


This sign cracks me up. If you notice the circular sign with the crossed off horn. In China, everybody honks the horns on their cars, and if you saw the way they drive you would understand why - but they are not supposed to honk their horns in the downtown areas. If they get caught doing so, they will be fined. LOL They still do it though.

These are sticks of sugar can. This man was selling them. He cuts the bark of them, then the people eat them by tearing of a huge chunk, they chew it, then spit it out. It was quite the site to see someone walking along chewing on what looked like a stick. I think John wanted to buy one, but we didn't stop long enough. LOL

The enterance to the Shangrao Children's Welfare Center

Upon are arrival, we were met by the orphange staff and were lead to the dining area where they had prepared lunch for us. I was not thrilled about this at first - but once we sat down I realized that it was smelling pretty good. John and I both ate or tried mostly everything - but we passed on the fish soup. It had the head and everything in it. LOL PASS!!! The food was really good though.

John, Emily, and I with members of the staff.
The staff was very pleasant and very eager to please us. They took us on a tour and we were allowed to take many pictures and videos. I'm not going to go into explaing about the orphanage here - but I would like to tell those families that are awaiting to make the trip over to get their Ling baby, that if you want to contact me I would love to share the photos with you to see if we got a picture of your child. I forgot the sheet I made with the names of the kids I know that have been referred at the hotel, but we got pictures of many many children.
One great blessing we received (along with getting many questions about Emily answered) we were provided a picture of Emily with her foster mother. Her foster mother lives far from the orphange and has another small child, so she was not able to come meet us - but it's such a blessing to have this picture for Emily to show here when and as she grows up.

Daddy, Mommy, and Princess outside the orphanage.

Emily rocking her Trumpettes socks.
A very very good thing happened not once....but TWICE on the trip back to the hotel....WE GOT POOP!!!! Emily hadn't had a bowel movement from the time we got her until today (and we tried to get this child to poop with laxatives, prunes, juice, fruit) and as weird as it sounds - we were so happy with the poop. John even said we should save it!!! ROFL
Once funny thing too - once we left the orphange and little miss had her BM, she became chatty cathy. She was talking up a storm. LOL She also stands with help. She pushed herself up on me, and was standing leaning on me for quite a long time. She has some strong little ol' legs. In fact - she is a strong little girl. When she gets a grasp on something - she's got it.

This picture is adorable!!!!

We made it back from the orphanage day trip around 7:00pm, feed Emily again, put her in her jammies, got her to bed, John went to bed - and it is now a little after midnight China time - and it's my turn to get some sleep. My eyes are crossing, but I'm so glad I got this done.
End of December 20th.
Our love to all. Night Night. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Got TA, CA, & We're Leaving Saturday

I can't believe the time has finally come!!! On Tuesday we received word that we got our TA (travel approval) and today we were confirmed a CA (consulate appointment)....and long story short - we leave for China on Saturday!!! Our CA is the 26th.

The big news is we get Emilia on Monday!!!!!

We were going to leave tomorrow, but something happened with the seating arrangments, so we pushed it back to Saturday. We both about fell out of our chairs when we were told how much the airfare was going to be (and let's just say it's a good thing we didn't...because we were both driving at the time - LOL). I'll just say that the fare for us to get there and back is almost double what we had budgeted for airfare (and we budgeted on the high side). Oh well - it will be totally worth it. :)

I am totally drained - John is totally drained, and the stress of this day has totally wiped us out!!!

For those of you that pray - please, please, please, keep us in your prayers. And we greatly appreciate those prayers.

We'll be blogging while in China, so check back often.

I'm going to go veg now, watch a movie, and TRY to relax.

Until next time. :)

(Hang on baby girl.....we're coming!!!!!)

Saturday, December 09, 2006

A new little angel in heaven

A piece of my heart broke today, but I also know that she is with GOD above and no longer has to deal with med withdrawals, breathing tubes, feeding tubes, or further surgeries.

Little Ellie Crane passed away late last night after having her 2nd open heart surgery last month. We Ellieheads were all excited and praying that she would be able to come back to Kansas possibly next week (they have been in California for her surgery), but GOD had (and has) a different plan for her.

I am so honored to have had the privilege to know this little baby, and to have her smile at me - well, it melted my heart. :) Such a sweet baby.

Steph, Bob, Luke, and the entire Crane and Brown family - please know John and I are so sorry for your loss. At a time like this, words just don't work - but know that you are in our prayers, and may JESUS envelope you with a peace and a strength that surpasses all understanding.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Trying to get the boys in the Christmas spirit!!!

Ummmm....I don't think Bailey is too full of Christmas joy just yet. (ROFL)

Here he looks just plain disgusted (He actually looks like the dog on The Grinch). :)

Jack refused to look at the camera.

It's Rein-Bo

Either he ate more berries....or he's waiting for Santa

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Emilia's Care Package

Emilia's care package is all packed and ready to leave for China tomorrow. I had so much fun putting this together, but when I was finished - and it really sunk in what I had just put together, I balled like a baby. This package is going to OUR child!!! Man, there I go again getting all teary eyed.

Here's a picture of the gifts we are sending our princess. The little orange thing on the bottom is a phone that I recorded: "We love you Ling Cha Ni" (in Chinese) and I taped a small picture of us where the sound comes out. :)

Gifts for the Orphanage Director, Nannies and/or Foster Parent(s)
Picture of the letter we sent to the Orphanage Director thanking her and the nannies and/or foster parents for caring for our child, and asking that the camera be used to take pictures of her, her living arrangements, and the people in her life.
I even wrote Emilia's name in Chinese!!! See - those Chinese classes did pay off (hee hee).

Sweet new ladybug ride, cool new slippers, & HOW am I going to pack that?!?!?

Isn't this just the cutest?!?!?! Doug, Amy, & Baby Chapin sent Emilia this precious little ladybug ride. I never saw one of these before - and I just love it!!!

John wanted to ride it - but I put my foot down on that one. ROFL!!! :)

I just HAD to have these!!! John says I look like a dork wearing them - but I think they're cool!! (And they are soooo comfortable)
I have been picking up stuff that we need to take to China for months, and yesterday I took everything out of their respective Walmart, Target, Kmart, Babies R Us, etc. bags....and my what a pile it all made. Now keep in mind, this is not everything, and there are no clothes here yet!!! I probably have things here that we don't necessarily need - but I'd rather have it and leave it when we get there, then get there and wish we had it. :)
I tend to be a slight overpacker, but I'm not as bad as my mother....yet. :)

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Playing catch up

WOW!! The days since "THE CALL" have just flown by. I don't know if it's because I have so much I want/need to get done, but on one hand time is going fast....on the other hand though, it's not going fast enough because I want to get to China and get our girl!!!!

We have decided on Emilia's full name, and here it is: Emilia Dawn ChaNi (our last name here).

On previous posts I failed to translate her Chinese name, and it means:

Ling - a family surname; means clever, effective, quick

Cha - means tea (I love this because I drink tea every morning!!)

Ni - means feminine; a cute name for a little girl

Emily is going to be our Little Tea Girl!!! (is that too cute or what?!)


Here are pictures from our dinner at Bo Ling's on 11/02/06 where the Grandparents and Aunt Angee got to see Emilia's picture for the first time.

The happy parents (prior to the unveiling)

Grandma H. seeing Emilia for the first time (Grandpa was taking the pics so we didn't get his reaction)

Grandma S. and Aunt Angee seeing Emilia for the first time

The happy parents (after the unveiling)



We were suppose to go to Wichita on Friday (11/3) to sign the adoption papers, but something got mixed up with Fedex, so we weren't able to go until Saturday (11/4). It was all good though, it was a beautiful day and we had an enjoyable trip.

Emilia went with us - and Daddy made sure she was buckeled in :)

We received this from Kim at our agency. She presented the Chinese takeout box to us, and inside it was the panda bear and an overly large fortune cookie. I opened the cookie and written on the ribbon was Emilia's information: name, DOB, where she is, etc. It was the best fortune cookie I've ever gotten in my life!!! :)

John (aka Daddy) signing the adoption acceptance letter

Dawn (aka Mommy) signing the adoption acceptance letter

The long ride home


How do we disciple in our household??? HUMILIATION!!! ROFL (just the dogs - and just this once, but boy was it funny).

Two weekends ago I started putting out the Christmas decorations, and unfortunately we have a dog that likes/liked to destroy my pretties. Well, we came home the other day to find that Bo had decided to use my NEW wreath as a chew toy and eat/tear off the holly berries, and I had had enough. I told him that if he wanted it he could have it, but he was going to wear it. I put it around his neck and he looked so humiliated - John and I were laughing so hard, I just had to get a picture. I only left it on him long enough to get the picture, but you know what???? I haven't had any more problems with my decorations. LOL :)

He looks like he's auditioning for the Broadway play 'Lion King' :)