My SIL (sister-in-law) Amy sent her quilt square (beautiful it is), some adoption scrapbook pages and stickers, and a card with a poem that literally made me cry like a baby. Why did it make me cry you may be asking, well let me post the poem:
Emilia has been added to our family tree,
A stronger one to make.
A child from another plant,
Has become a new namesake.
Just as a limb is grafted,
From one tree to another,
It alters and improves the plant,
Making it, uniquely, like no other.
Our family tree has been improved,
Adoption made this so.
For love, much more than bloodlines,
Makes us thrive and grow.
We share life and love,
And all the joys to come.
Our "family tree" has blossomed,
With the arrival of you,
Our cherished little one.
Author Unknown
Edited by Aunt Amy
I love, love, love it!!!!
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