Some goodbyes are hard to say - and today has been one of the worst!!!
We said goodbye to our little buddy Bailey today, and it has just hit me right now that I will never see him again.
I can't stop crying!!! I know he's in a better place - but I sure do miss him!!!
John is having a time with this too - but Bailey was my little boy.
I will miss you Bailey Jane (and so will Daddy)!!!
Oh My Goodness! We are so sad to see this! Wish you would have called but know that it's so very difficult! We will miss his smiling face! Love to ALL! Doug, Amy, Chapin, Patch, GInger and Rex
So sorry to hear this...I know he ment alot to you. Maybe he's running with Uncle Ethan now whom we still miss so much. We'll miss the lil bugger also.
OMGosh, I am so sorry for your loss. It's really hard to say goodbye.
When I lost my littlest furry baby, I found a beautiful poem. I put it on my blog. If you want to see it, here is a direct link..
Sending you big hugs and I'll tell my little Alex to watch over Bailey Jane. She always obeyed her mommy, so rest assured, she'll find her!
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