So....sit back and take a gander at how our little girl has grown (and her hair too) since I last posted. (It's hard to believe she's been home almost 5 months now!!!!)
NOTE: I've broke the posts up by months - starting with the most current first.
MAY 2007

MARCH 2007
Getting ready for Easter :)

1st trip to visit the Easter Bunny
Emily's 2nd concert - The Gaither Homecoming (hee hee). Everyone around us was so complimentary of how good she was throughout the show. Baby girl loves music - so she was having a blast!
A hearty breakfast: Milk, eggs, and toast. It was the first, and last, time she ate this meal. (She is the pickiest little thing)
Jack waiting for his share - LOL
Cute piggies
Emily's first concert - Toby Mac. We listen to him on our commute all the time, so she was rockin' out :)
Hangin' with Daddy at the concert. Notice the hands - she was clapping (and dancing) right along with the music
Love this!!!!!
Emmy Lou Who (all you Grinch fans will get that one-lol)
Future American Idol??? (and not one of the sucky ones!!!)

Where's Emmy??? Hiding behind the couch - looking out the window
One food Emily truly loves - CHEETOS!!! (just like Momma)
Enjoying some McDonald's fries

FREEZE! (hee hee)
Must have M & M's NOW!!!!
Precious girl
Trying on Cousin Chapin's Easter gift :)
How future supermodels sleep
1st (and last) experience with Mac & Cheese
This one is for Doug, Amy & Chapin (aka - Cupcake) :)
In awe of Mommy's "special" blue shoes - lol
Waiting for some breakfast
1st time rockin' the headband (simply put - didn't really care for it)
Love that face - "The Face"
Sideways view of "The Face"

Big cheeser. NOTE: That's a bag of deli Pastrami in her hand. She love's her some Pastrami - LOL

Chapin had a big smile on his face when he saw Emily!! She is getting so big and has Changed so much!! We can wait to see her next month!! Thanks for posting!!! Love, Uncle D, Aunt A and Chapin
Thank You for posting I have been watching everyday to see if you have. I now have a recent pictures I can put on my phone and computer. I love this baby girl she is too dang cute.
Aunt Angee
Dawn and John...
You are so blessed! I know that you are enjoying this so much and you deserve it! Just you wait tho... come 16 the little boys will be there to beat that door down. I am so happy for you and was so happy to FINALLY see an update with new pictures. Hope you had a GREAT Mothers day and Fathers day is fast appraoching. And yes Dawn... you can be my date to the reunion! Love ya lots!!!
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