Thursday, September 27, 2007


SAD NEWS FIRST: Today is a day I've been waiting a long time for - Becks was coming to KC with the LA Galaxy!!! I had in my hands the "Golden Ticket" (which means I have/had seats right behind the Galaxy bench), and now that ticket is not so "Golden".

I knew he wasn't going to play (because of his injured knee), but I was holding out hope that he would at least warm the bench - but that's not going to happen. David's father had a heart attack yesterday, and he went back home to London to be with him....which of course if the right thing to do. My prayers are with the Beckham family for a healthy and speedy recovery. Get better Daddy Beckham!!!

So --- I'll just have to renew my season tickets and try again next year. :)

NOW FOR THE HAPPY NEWS: A VERY VERY bright spot for the day is that it was announced that GARTH IS COMING TO KC!!!!!

Garth is one of my absolute favorites (I've seen him several times) and you can bet your bottom dollar I'll be there November 14th with bells on!!!!

Now.....If I could only meet him!!!! (hee hee)


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