Emily did outstanding on the 1 1/2 hour flight....her first ever plane ride. She didn't cry once!!
We unfortunately had to say goodbye to our friends at the airport as they were staying at another hotel in Guangzhou....we met our guide, and off to the White Swan we went.
The first room they gave us faced the city, and that just wasn't going to work. John marched right back to the check-in counter and got us switched to the Pearl River side. We are so glad that we were able to switch rooms, as the river view is quite something.
1st night in Guangzhou

Sleeping Beauty. The pretty pink floral comforter came with us from Nanchang. We purchased it from the Lake View Hotel, and Emily still sleeps with it.
December 23rd (Saturday) - Today we headed out to get Emily's Visa picture taken and have her medical exam done.

Arriving at the clinic for the med exam

Upon returning to the hotel, there was additional paperwork to be done.

This is Emily's Visa picture. ROFL - Isn't that just the most pathetic look you've ever seen. LOL
The Christmas tree in the lobby of the Swan

When the paperwork was FINALLY done - we headed over to Lucy's to eat lunch.
When the paperwork was FINALLY done - we headed over to Lucy's to eat lunch.
After lunch we walked around all the shops, bought some gifts, and headed back to the room to hang out. John had been dealing with a sour stomach, so we decided to take it easy.

December 24th (Sunday) - Christmas Eve. Today we set out checking out the hotel and then going on a tour of Guangzhou with our guide Peter and a group of other adopting families.

We got one of these hats for both Emilia and Chapin - but John just had to try one out. LOL
Visiting Christmas village at the White Swan
Tour time. Peter our guide first took us to what I believe is called Guangdong Folk Arts Museum.

These guys were making a stone/pebble terrace - and they were placing each pebble by hand!!! Peter told us it was therapeutic. I don't see how that could be - my knees and back were hurting just watching them.

The Chen Palace

These bad boys are on the front of the doors to the Palace. I think they're cool looking. I'm thinking about getting our front door redone. LOL
Once we left the Chen's place, we went to see the 5-Goat statue. This is the Guangzhou city's symbol.
Like a moth to a flame. LOL
The Guangzhou Lamborghini dealership
Peter took us to this porcelain shop. It was cool because we got to see some workers actually painting the designs on the porcelain.

Caught her in action. Baby girl learned how to blow raspberries, and she was doing it so much and with such force I actually had to hold my hand up against her mouth because she was splattering the display glass. LOL
Returning from our outing, we orderd Danny's for dinner. It had been told to us that Christmas Eve is a huge thing at the White Swan. People flock there to see the decorations on that day, and that if we took a cab anywhere, they wouldn't bring us back due to the crowds. So - we stayed in the room, watched some tv and called it a day.
December 25th (Monday) CHRISTmas Day - Today was Emily's 1st birthday and the birthday of our Saviour. It felt strange not going to church on CHRISTmas or being with our families, but it was a great day nontheless. We took it easy today. In fact, we all went down to breakfast - and then Emily and I went back to the room to take a nap. John went shopping - and boy did he come back with some good presents!!!

The daddy got himself a treat too - LOL
The staple of my diet while in China :) I've loved these since I was a little older then Emily.

Daddy bought baby girl her first pair of squeeky shoes. Too cute.

And the best of all - he brought us a tree!!! He bought it from one of the stores in the hotel. It was one of their decorations. LOL (notice we're watching Polar Express). :)
CHRISTmas pictures with the Princess


Birthday girl with her crown. LOL It was too chilly to take Emily out in her Christmas dress - so we dressed up warm and headed out to take a cruise on the Pearl River.
Momma Kangaroo and Baby Roo

The boat we took our cruise on. It was a tad bit on the chilly side, but we had a great time and saw many beautiful sites. Guangzhou has a beautiful river front area. They have really done it up with the neon, and it was well worth the outing.

The White Swan Hotel
This is a picture of John's head hitting the ceiling of the boat. LOL
When we got off the boat - we headed to get something to eat. MCDONALD'S!!!!!!
Emily's first McDonald's experience - and boy was it just a little slice of heaven in China. It wasn't exactly like home - but it did the job.
Hee hee. Another "Who is this dude?" picture.
Returning to the Swan, we retired to our room for the night.
December 26th (Tuesday) - Consulate appointment day. Usually the consulate appointment is scheduled for the day you leave, but for some reason they got us and a bunch of other adopting families in a day early.
We meet up with David & Shelley at the Embassy and were able to do some catching up with them. It was fun to see how Lili and Emilia had blossomed in just the few short days they had been with us.
We didn't do a whole lot once we returned to the hotel - but we did enjoy a fine dinner of noodles that we brought from home - and some wonderful ice delivered from room service. :)

View of the Pearl River and the neon lightshow from our room

December 27th (Wednesday) FINAL DAY IN CHINA!!!!!
Our flight home wasn't scheduled until 9:00pm - so we spent the day walking around the shopping areas outside the hotel, got some last minute goodies, and took the 'Red Couch' pictures.
Now that's tired - and our day hadn't even begun yet. LOL

"Why am I sitting on this couch again?"
"What up?!?!?!" (LOL)
"Cheese!!!!" :)
Peter picked us up at around 5:30pm to take us to the airport - and our time in China had come to a close.
I have to say, we enjoyed China, but we were ready to come home!!!!
Bring on the 13 hour flight to LA!!!! (UGGG!!!!)
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