Workers from the orphanage met us in Shangrao (because we were lost - LOL) and we followed them to our destination.

Following the van. Shangrao is doing a lot of construction as a city, but once you get on the road leading back to the orphanage - you'd swear you were on a bombed out road.

View of the road leading back to the orphanage

Entrance to Shangrao CWC

Notice the big windows on the building? Just to let you know - the large middle section of those did not have any glass in them. It was about 45 degrees outside - and even colder inside. It was really a sad sight to behold.
The entrance area. And there's the referral picture chairs. :)
The following pictures are of the children we saw. As I stated in a previous post - I forgot the list of names of children I knew were being adopted from this orphanage at the hotel, so if you see your child.....I would love to hear from you.

Orphanage workers and some of the children. I had made Emilia's foster mom a photo album showing her where she'll be living, who her relatives will be, pets, etc - and the staff went wild over it. They had so much fun looking through it and hearing about where we live.
NOTE: The pretty young lady in the middle is one of the workers that found Emilia - and she is the person that named her. :) Cool huh?
(Before I forget - many have asked about the care package I sent....and the answer we got was that they never received it. I was kinda bummed when I found that out - but I didn't focus on it too much because Emily was finally with us.)
I personally feel the orphanage workers do the best with what they have. I think they care about the kids, but I'll be glad when the orphanage moves to it's new facility (our guide told us a new one was under construction). John and I pray that each of these children (and also the ones we didn't see) are joined with their forever families ASAP.
Hello Dawn,
Could you tell me when you took the pictures of the Shangrao Welfare center that you have posted on the net in Jan. 2007.
Thanks in advance.
Florence, mother of Anne-Mei who spent her first year at the Shangrao Welfare Centre until Dec. 5th 2004.
Hi Dawn, Well I just about fell of my chair last night when I saw three pictures of our daughter on your visit to Shangrao Orphange! We would be MOST grateful if you would contact us. We have some questions we wish to ask in confidence. Sincerely, Bill and Nina
Hello Dawn. Our daughter is in two of the pictures on your webpage. We traveled to Shangrao in late January. We would love to talk to you at some point.
Thank you,
Chris Robinson
Catherine Robinson
we recognized some of the children in your photos, we were told the children did not come from Shangrao so we are puzzled .... could you get in touch with
Hello Dawn,
I am writing you from Madrid (Spain). We are parents of two children
born in China and we want to start a third adoption. Just, my husband and
myself were seeing your pictures posted on the net in Jannuary 2007 when
our hear started to run because you took a nice picture of our second
daugther. We when to pick her up on June 2th 2007. She is the beautiful
little princess (in the picture around two years and half) that bring a red overcoat
and in the back we can see something as a broom and a gatherer. We are
happy to see her Picture and we would like to contact with you and your family. Paco and Maria
(i'm not very good in english, but i will try!)Our future daughter is in the same orphanage of your daughter. We suppose to go to China at the end of november 2010. We would like to know how did you do to get to the orphanage ? Is it ok with them ?
Oups! There is a mistake in my email: this one is good!
I know that this post was a long time ago, but it brought tears to my eyes! I visited this orphanage in 2006, and I recognized many of the children from your photos!! It breaks my heart that more children aren't adopted! Someday I hope to be able to go back again! These kids are in my prayers.
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