I cannot stop looking at or thinking about this beautiful child!!! I want to be with her NOW!!!
Last night John and I went out for Chinese again (hey - we're still celebrating, LOL) and had a wonderful time. We went to Bo Ling's (the North location - where as on Thursday we had been at the Bo Ling's South location) and when our waiter Kevin brought us our check, I held out the keychain I'd made with Emily's pictures and said, "See our daughter?!" He grabbed that thing out of my hand and had the biggest grin on his face. Then another waiter (Devin) came over to see what was going on and he too broke out in a big grin and started firing away with the questions. Well...I pulled out the untranslated medical and personal info that I just happed to have with us (LOL) and they were more than excited to help us understand what it said.
Kevin and Devin confirmed some things we already knew, but told us many other things - and we are so greatful to them for that.
Confirmation and new info we learned:
1) Confirmation = Her name is Ling Cha Ni
2) Confirmation = She is in the Jiangxi Province, Shangrao SWI
3) Confirmation = DOB 12/25/05 (They loved this - "She Christmas Baby!!")
4) New = All health issues are marked normal on her medical report
5) New = The boo boo on her cheek is/was a mosquito bite
6) New = She was found 12/27/05 outside a building with a half bottle of milk
7) Confirmation = Her favorite toy is/was a doll
The guys were/are so excited for us - and made us promise to bring her in. Of course, we told them we would have absolutely no problem with that request seeing that it is our FAVORITE place. :)
I would like to thank everyone who has stopped by and left such wonderful comments and/or sent an email. They are appreciated and received by a heart that is overflowing with joy and love for a little girl so many miles away - but soon will be home with Mommy and Daddy!!
Emilia is such a pretty name! One of our traveling families also named their daughter Emilia and I'd never heard anyone by that name before or after that -- until now!
If you're interested, here's their blog: http://weesitbaby.blogspot.com/
We've found three other Gwendolyn's in the China adoption community. It isn't a very common name so it's been fun to find them!
Double Happiness!
She is soooooo cute! Those little cheeks. Congratulations to you. This wait will go back quick...just shop. :-)
She's so sweet. Congratulations!!!
She really is soooo beautiful!!
Enjoying following along as you make your way to your precious girl!
Congratulations... she's a cutie! Our daughter is also from Jiangxi and her birthday is Dec. 22, 2005! She was placed in our arms 3 months ago!! She's amazing!
Dennis, Amy,
John Anthony (8), Cecilia (5) & Agatha Magdalena Fangfu
Thank you for directing us (other Ling families) to your site. Our daughter is Ling Wan Rong and we brought her home from Shangrao on August 28th. She is an amazing little sweety and she looks so similar to your little girl. You can see pictures of her on our site that I'll link for you. Your girl has the Shangrao look.....beautiful! ;-)
Reading your posts reminds me of all that joy that we felt back in late June, July and August. Of course, we still have the joy but it's not quite as bubbly as it was then. That initial referral and subsequent travel is the absolute BEST!!! Enjoy!
Know that you WILL come home and you WILL have YOUR beautiful baby in your home, in her bed and in your arms. It's the best! Lack of sleep stinks but thank God for fathers who help.
We are overjoyed for you here at our house and thank you for letting us peak in on your fun!
Traci S. in Ohio
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