Sunday, November 12, 2006

Sweet new ladybug ride, cool new slippers, & HOW am I going to pack that?!?!?

Isn't this just the cutest?!?!?! Doug, Amy, & Baby Chapin sent Emilia this precious little ladybug ride. I never saw one of these before - and I just love it!!!

John wanted to ride it - but I put my foot down on that one. ROFL!!! :)

I just HAD to have these!!! John says I look like a dork wearing them - but I think they're cool!! (And they are soooo comfortable)
I have been picking up stuff that we need to take to China for months, and yesterday I took everything out of their respective Walmart, Target, Kmart, Babies R Us, etc. bags....and my what a pile it all made. Now keep in mind, this is not everything, and there are no clothes here yet!!! I probably have things here that we don't necessarily need - but I'd rather have it and leave it when we get there, then get there and wish we had it. :)
I tend to be a slight overpacker, but I'm not as bad as my mother....yet. :)

1 comment:

I Should Think Things Through More said...

So, the pups don't want to be noble reindeer? How odd! I think the shoes make you look like a video game character, but I like video games. Your baby is gorgeous and I hope your trip to reach her is safe and smooth and your return home is also serene.


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