1) My friend Hilary and her husband Kelly welcomed their first child to the world yesterday, and I went by and saw them today. Little Walker Grant is an absolute doll, and I could barely take my eyes off of him. He was making the cutest faces. :)

Congratulations Hilary and Kelly & welcome to the world Walker!!!!
2) Some of you long time followers may remember that in February '06 I found the softest teddy bear (dressed as a bunny) at Hallmark (picture of said bear below) - well, I have been mulling over that fact that depending on her size it may be a tad too big for her to handle very well, but I don't have to worry about that anymore because.....................

I FOUND AN ITTY BITTY ONE!!!! Now I know for sure that this one is going with us.

(Isn't it too cute?!?!)

I also found this really soft mini blanket for her (now if I could find one of these bad boys in a king size, I'd be in hog heaven)

Then, because I just HAVE to go into hospital gift shops when I'm by one, I popped in after visiting the little family...and by golly look what I found for Emily - Trumpette socks!! I love these little socks. They look little ballerina shoes. Needless to say I got her 6 pairs!!
AND #3) These aren't pictures of my baby (the ones I really would have liked to have gotten today) - but I sure do enjoy them (hee hee). My pal Sandy brought these to me and boy o boy!!
In case you don't know who this fine looking gentleman is...it's Dierks Bentley. He's one of my favorite country singers, and he's pretty much all I've been listening to for a couple months. John affectionately calls him Jerks, but he says it in love (hee hee).

Well, that's about it for my excitement. Oh, I hit some kind of bug on the way home - and I have never seen anything like it. I didn't see what exactly it was, but judging by the carnage the thing had to be the size of a small bird. I literally almost lost my Taco Bell. It was sooooo gross!!! YUCK!!!
Tomorrow is the big 37 for me - and I'm really hoping for news of our girl. I don't know how much longer my stomach can stand these knots!!!
And, why is it that blanket maufacturers don't make king size blankets that are as soft as the baby ones?! I'd buy one, or two, or more!
Love those socks too!
Have a good weekend, hopefully we'll hear about referrals Monday(?)!!
Congratulations on your referral. I was checking out all the beautiful referral pictures posted on RQ. Your baby is sooooooo BEAUTIFUL!!! But something else on your blog caught my eye, also. The lime green luggage! I have been searching for a set in this color or orange, believe it or not. Would you please share the brand and place of purchase of these fab bags? P-L-E-A-S-E...
Beth DTC 10-19-06
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